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Hero Password Policy
  StArCuE, Feb 08 2012

I was looking at the Hero Poker website regarding their password policy and was kind of disappointed. Does anyone else see a problem with this?


Only numbers or letters of the alphabet can be used.
e.g. 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Characters are case sensitive.
e.g. 'ABC' is different from 'abc'.

Number of characters used are to be a minimum of 6 and maximum of 20.

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Floating Arithmetic
  StArCuE, Feb 06 2012

Alright I'm having trouble on this hw problem and would appreciate anyone who could help me out.

Problem A. The values of two float variables, x and y, are saved in IEEE single precision floating point format as below. Calculate the value of z in IEEE single precision floating point format if z = x + y.

x = 0 11100010 00101100000000000000000
y = 1 11100000 11010000000000000000000

I'm assuming I should start by calculating the 32-bit reps of x and y but I'm unsure what to do next. Any advice or step by step help would be appreciated. Thanks Chris.

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PT3 Question
  StArCuE, Jan 25 2012

I just have a quick question about the hud display on pt3. I'm playing on hero but my hud stats are not properly aligned with other players at the table. For example my stats will be displayed under someone elses name and so on. I'm playing 6 max and have set the game type to 6 max with my preferred seat at #3. Thanks for the help. Chris.

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